Letter Samples as a passion

Why still write letters today?

Sample letter: Some may say that writing letters is no longer in keeping with the times of telephone or cell phone, fax and the Internet. But there are still good reasons for not communicating something orally in a conversation but in writing in a letter:

sample letter


letter template


What needs to be communicated can be so complex that a letter is simply the better solution. When you write a letter, you can give yourself as much time to think about it as you need. In conversation, you often don’t have that; you have to think as you speak. In addition, you have to consider that your conversation partner may intervene, object or ask something. In a letter, you can plan what you want to communicate and in which order – and you can check that you have not forgotten anything: the letter is in front of you.

What is to be communicated has many references, some of which must be clarified. When you write a letter, you have time to clarify things, research if necessary, and be specific about the references. You can also weigh the proper order in which to bring things up. In this way, you can provide the recipient with what you believe to be a complete picture of the context and offer a perspective that may be new to them.

What you want to communicate should be given great weight. Letters are a unique form of contact. Writing a letter and taking it to the post office involves more effort than picking up the phone and dialing a number. The letter recipient will honor this. Using beautiful paper and unique stamps, show that you have placed value on it. The beauty of it is that the recipient can read it repeatedly.

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he Importance of Written Communication: When to Use a Sample Letter

What needs to be communicated can be so important that a letter is the only solution appropriate to the particular requirements. Furthermore, what is written in a letter is documented and, therefore, provable. It is, therefore advisable to communicate essential figures, dates or deadlines in black and white in a letter and, if necessary, to have the letter delivered by courier or registered mail.

Letters and conversations complement each other: A telephone call is much faster than a letter unless it is sent by e-mail. If necessary, a telephone conversation can prepare a letter. A phone call can clarify questions and objections immediately. No matter how well prepared, a letter can leave questions unanswered or even cause misunderstandings that could easily be discovered and cleared up in a conversation. Therefore: Weigh up whether writing or telephoning, or both is appropriate. Everything you write has an official character.

That’s why it’s essential to be clear about the target-oriented design of letters.